Explore the risks to public health, safety, built and natural environment
posed by electricity supply in Switzerland


All electricity supply technologies carry various risks to public health, safety, natural and built environment. Examples of these risks are climate change, ecosystem damages, industrial accidents, induced earthquakes, and many others.

Scientific inquiry and wider energy debates often revolve around individual technologies. But supplying Swiss electricity demand always needs a portfolio of several technologies. Thus, there is no zero-risk future. If one technology is excluded, it needs to be replaced with another one.

The RISKMETER helps you explore alternative Swiss electricity portfolios for 2035 and their risks to public health, safety, natural and built environment. It also helps us understand your preferences and reasoning on how the future Swiss electricity supply should look like.



Learn about electricity supply technologies and their risks to public health, safety, natural and built environment.


Explore risk trade-offs, when several technologies are combined into a portfolio to meet the whole Swiss electricity demand.


Choose your preferred Swiss electricity portfolio for 2035 and tell us how it looks.


The RISKMETER is part of the Ambizione Energy research project "RIsk GOveRnance of electricity pOrtfolioS (RIGOROuS): Cross-technology and spatial tradeoffs of multiple risks." The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for the period of 2015-2018 (Grant No. 160563) and the University of Geneva. You can find more information here.


The RISKMETER team is based at the University of Geneva, Renewable Energy Systems group at the Faculty of Science, Department F.-A. Forel for Environmental and Aquatic Sciences and Institute for Environmental Sciences.

George Xexakis is the scientific assistant that develops the RISKMETER. He holds a Master of Science degree in Building Engineering from TU Delft in the Netherlands.

Prof. Evelina Trutnevyte is the project leader. She holds a Doctoral degree from ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental Systems Science.

Sandra Volken, Franziska Ruef and Theresa Knoblauch have contributed substantially to the development of the RISKMETER.